Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Notebook Cry and Breaking the Rules

I tried to not get too detailed yesterday about the spiral of craziness that happened from the possibility of change.  Lets just say it was ugly. Like watching The Notebook ugly.  

Tuesday took a stand and told Monday to get screwed.  Finally.  I could not have made it through two days of "The Notebook Cry".  If you are not familiar with "The Notebook Cry", watch the movie.  You cry at least five times until you are snorting to breathe and the TV is blurry.  It just so happens that I watched that stupid movie on Saturday night and convulsed for 45 minutes.  

I am going to make this short, happy and sweet.  Jasper, my reluctant communicator, signed "more, please" tonight at dinner.  Remember back to yesterday when I said his educators think I am delusional?  Well, HA! I have it on video and I plan to show it to the dang world.  I AM NOT CRAZY!!!! Shut up Brandy, I know I am a little crazy.  It works for me so why change a good thing.  

So the set up.  We are at Olive Garden in Ft Wayne, he wants some of his Nurse Tammy's coke.  I HATE POP, but I might even give him things more awful than Coke if he would start signing more.  Ok, not like booze or Meth, more like Big Red or Mt. Dew.  Still awful, but tolerable in some circles.  Just not mine. Those drinks are in a class with Shoes with cartoons, temporary tattoos, McDonalds and sweat or pajama pants in public.  The classic Tessa no-no's.  Would I compromise on my hard and fast rules on those things if it would make him communicate?? HELL YES.  So, Coke, you win and thank you.  


With all that said, we made it another day.  I should probably celebrate but eating Olive Gardens pumpkin cheesecake.  Oh, I already did.

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